The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St Andrew’s Church has the responsibility of promoting within the ecclesiastical parish the whole mission of the church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. Legally it is responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the maintenance of its assets (buildings and contents). It is a charity and all the members are trustees.


The PCC consists of the Priest in charge, Associate Priest, Churchwardens and representatives of the congregation. Members are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). To be elected onto the PCC, a person must be a communicant, aged 16 or over, and on the church electoral roll. The PCC appoints people to positions such as the secretary and treasurer, but churchwardens must be elected at the Annual Parish Meeting. The PCC also appoints sub-committees to conduct specific aspects of the business of the PCC.


St Andrew’s PCC meets around six times a year in church, usually after the Tuesday morning Eucharist. The APCM is held at the beginning of May.

Charity giving

Yearly donations are given to:-

  • CHAT (Churches Housing Action Team)
  • Lighthouse Christian Bookshop
  • Tiverton Street Pastors
  • Tiverton School Pastors
  • Farm Crisis Network (Harvest lunch)
  • The Children’s Society (Christingle/Carol Service)